Yellow Fantastic Dolly JSK replica (Ver. A)

This review is about this replica by Dream of Lolita.

I ordered the dress in size L so it's a bit longer than the one in the stock photos.

The ribbon that goes around the waist is not sewn on to the dress.

The bow is detachable too.
 It's too big and the dress looks more elegant without the bow anyway.

There is no zipper on the dress but the shirring on the
back stretches enough for the dress to be put on.

The lace on the hem is not as heavy as in the stock
photos which I think is good but the edges need trimming.

Inside out

The seams seem good but there is of course thread that has to be cut shorter.

 My dress' print has the same problem as the skirt of this review's writer...

...and there's also some brown dirt on the left side of the dress inside the AP logo.

That black line is actually the other end of the lace.

The little mistakes on the dress are not a surprise since it is a replica and they aren't all that visible. This dress however isn't as good quality as the Dream of Lolita's Little Bear Cafe replica I ordered a year ago. I still love it very much and it's my favourite dress at the moment.


  1. I want to thank you for this review! I ordered this dress myself but could only really find stock photo's on the internet. And the things you've mentioned are points I'll be looking at too. This gives me a better idea of what the dress looks like.

  2. Thank you for the comment! Helping others by making reviews is why I started blogging in the first place, so I'm glad you like it.
