Living by the school has made me really lazy to wear anything fancy. And those few times that I have worn something, I haven't felt like charging my camera to take pictures. Now that I have only two and a half months of school left I am going to force myself to wear something else than just plain jeans and hoodies again.
Headbow: part of the skirt
Necklace: Fanplusfriend
Blouse: Anna House
Skirt: Bodyline (L368)
Boots: Bodyline
I ordered some shirts, a hoodie and a necklace from YesStyle.
I am going to make a post about everything I ordered later but here are two of the shirts.
Kitty ears: Bodyline (ACC1091)
Headbow: part of the skirt
Necklace: Bodyline (key chain)
Shirt: YesStyle (JSG)
Skirt: Bodyline (L404)
Shirt: YesStyle (Mini Jule)