Monday, October 22, 2012

Shopping & Outfit Post #10

Last Saturday I went shopping in sweet lolita. I had taken a picture of the outfit at home with my camera but it was so blurry that I had to take another one with my phone when I found a mirror.
Headbow: BtSSB
Dress: DoL
Blouse: H&M
Socks: Bodyline
Shoes: Bodyline

The phone is actually new. My old phone hadn't worked well for quite a while and I had wanted to get a phone with a full keyboard for a long time so when I saw this on sale I couldn't resist buying it. It's Sony Ericsson's Xperia mini pro.

I found a pair of boots from the local shoe store and I decided to make an outfit around them for the Helsinki Book Fair I'm attending this Friday.
Vest: Dear Celine
Blouse: F+F
Necklace: F+F
Skirt: F+F
Boots: Tamaris

Here's a better picture of the boots.
They weren't inexpensive but I love them and they are perfect for lolita.

And here's what I've been thinking to do with my hair.
Rose: Bodyline
Headdress and lace around rose: F+F

P.S I sent email to QutieLand again because the tracking site still wasn't working and I got an answer that the site is under emergency maintenance due to China's National Day holiday. I've never had to go through so much trouble to get a pair of socks but I'm happy as long as I will get them. :)


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lolita Blog Carnival & other news

I have joined the Lolita Blog Carnival. I'm not good at explaining what it is so here's what F Yeah Lolita has written about it:
"it's a group of bloggers who all decide on a common topic to all blog about on the same day and then they follow up their post with a link to all the other blogger's posts about the topic. It's a great way to get involved with other Lolibloggers, get some blogging inspiration, and to promote some great blogs!"
You can get to LBC's facebook page through the icon on the right sidebar.

I sent email to QutieLand after I had posted last week and today I got an answer saying that my socks have already been sent. The tracking number in the message doesn't work but I suppose it's just going to take a while until it has been registered.

I've also tried to make the reviews page a bit more reader-friendly and I changed the blogs name from "Shizukaine de Revaillance" to "The Silent Revival".


Friday, October 12, 2012

Outfit Post #9

I'm sorry for disappearing suddenly but I've been busy preparing for exams. Now that the exam week is over I can start posting again. So, here's an outfit I made with my new JSK.
Headbow: BtSSB
Necklace: Bodyline
Dress: DoL
Cutsew: DoL
Everything else: off brand

P.S Haven't heard from QutieLand about the socks yet...
